Tortuguero, Costa Rica

Tortuguero, Costa Rica

Reading Time: 12 minutes Tales from a Tacky Travel Log What child that grew up with Lisa Frank on every binder doesn’t dream of seeing a sea turtle in the wild? Especially a kid that only had Jacques Cousteau documentaries on VHS when she stayed at her grandma’s farm.  Whatever your sea turtle wanna-see memories may be, there are a handful of places around the world where, if you go at a specific time of year, sightings are almost guaranteed. 

And then what happened?

Mom’s Stalker


Reading Time: 9 minutes When I was around 12 or 13 years old, my mom had a stalker. Maybe this is implied in “stalker”, but this guy was a real piece of work.  My mom was fresh out of an ugly divorce because my dad decided it might be kind of cool to move in with a female coworker. “Why would my wife and kids mind? C’est la vie, man. We can all still get along.” So, mom turned to

And then what happened?

Assembly of God

Assembly of God

Reading Time: 11 minutes “Who is going trick-or-treating today?”, Sister Wilma asked. She looked up over her round, wire-rimmed glasses, short hair done in a perm.  My hand shot up on the fifth syllable. It was all I could think about.  She didn’t turn to look at any of us in particular with our hands held high, waving our arms enthusiastically (granted, there were probably only four of us in that Sunday school lesson. It was a small church in

And then what happened?

Boyfriend Meets the Family

Boyfriend Meets the Family

Reading Time: 4 minutes *Everyone’s name has been changed because I sure ain’t asking permission to talk about them online It’s always been a treat taking the people in my life who don’t know my extended family, to meet my extended family.  Matt, my college boyfriend, got to meet them for the first time one 4th of July.  I don’t think there is any level of appropriate preparation aside from one of those secret briefing manila folders the government gives

And then what happened?

Aunt Linda on the Jerry Springer Show

Aunt Linda on the Jerry Springer Show

Reading Time: 3 minutes *I changed my aunt’s name to protect her pristine reputation When I was a kid, my aunt was on the Jerry Springer Show for a lesbian love triangle. If you haven’t seen the episode yet, spoiler alert!  If you ask her about it she’ll say, “They flew us to Chicago, gave us 200 bucks and a script, and I only had to kiss a girl.” It was her friend.  I suppose my uncle was ok with

And then what happened?

Classmates’ Mugshots on the Evening News

Classmates' Mugshots

Reading Time: 3 minutes *Names changed for those I gossip about because that shit is embarrassing  One of the great mysteries of being from a small, mid-west town: There were only 60 people in my graduating class but the number of classmates whose mugshots appear on the local evening news is infinite. When my mother sees my high school classmates’ mugshots on the tristate news—KFVS12, live, local, late-breaking!—she will thoughtfully record the clip on her cell phone.   Then she sends

And then what happened?

The Pony

The Pony

Reading Time: 4 minutes Cape Girardeau, Missouri, colloquially known as “Cape”, was populated for probably more than 12,000 years. But not surprisingly, it is named after a French trader who set up shop a measly 289 years ago.  Cape is a college town that sits on the banks of the Mississippi River. Historic, downtown Cape Girardeau is lined with quaint restaurants, antique shops, and popular bars. Downtown Cape is undoubtedly the ‘it’ spot in an area void of ‘it’ spots.

And then what happened?

Aunt Lovetta

Great Aunt Lovetta

Reading Time: 3 minutes I was riding my bicycle home and was going downhill. My mind was wandering. It was dusk and as I picked up speed, bugs were slapping me in the face. I pursed my lips tight to keep them from getting in my mouth and I was reminded of my great-aunt Lovetta. I only met her once. I think she was my grandpa’s baby sister.  It was the act of consciously trying to avoid swallowing a bug,

And then what happened?

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About Pretty Tacky

About Pretty Tacky

Hi, I'm Caitlan. Welcome to Pretty Tacky, my essay collection. Get ready to read about a DWI on a riding lawn mower and family on the Jerry Springer show. When I'm not writing about growing up a heathen hick, I write about immigrating to a tropical oven abroad and job hopping from archaeologist to teacher to translator to corporate copywriter. I can't commit 'cause I'd just rather be writing, baby. Can you relate?

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