Why Does Everything Mean Vagina?

Photo by Nikolay Smeh on Unsplash

Reading Time: 7 minutes Is there anything so humbling as learning another language? Is anything so good at obliterating your dear ego?  To speak another language, you have to release the fear of sounding like a fool because you will sound like a fool.  You must make peace with the noise of the cave(wo)man stereotype jaggedly forcing its way out of your mouth, throwing elbows against your tongue and teeth, before you can sound melodious and cool.  Just as any

And then what happened?

German ‘Alligators’

Image by Pfüderi from Pixabay

Reading Time: 11 minutes *names, numbers, and locations have been changed to protect the privacy of fascinating people. One time, I pitched my writing in exchange for lodging, like some kind of influencer freak, and I almost wound up on an episode of When Animals Attack.  — One mundane day in my pandemic bubble in Costa Rica in 2020—as the world outside burned down around me—I was scrolling mindlessly through Instagram, looking for life in all the wrong places. I

And then what happened?

Tortuguero, Costa Rica

Tortuguero, Costa Rica

Reading Time: 12 minutes Tales from a Tacky Travel Log What child that grew up with Lisa Frank on every binder doesn’t dream of seeing a sea turtle in the wild? Especially a kid that only had Jacques Cousteau documentaries on VHS when she stayed at her grandma’s farm.  Whatever your sea turtle wanna-see memories may be, there are a handful of places around the world where, if you go at a specific time of year, sightings are almost guaranteed. 

And then what happened?

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About Pretty Tacky

About Pretty Tacky

Hi, I'm Caitlan. Welcome to Pretty Tacky, my essay collection. Get ready to read about a DWI on a riding lawn mower and family on the Jerry Springer show. When I'm not writing about growing up a heathen hick, I write about immigrating to a tropical oven abroad and job hopping from archaeologist to teacher to translator to corporate copywriter. I can't commit 'cause I'd just rather be writing, baby. Can you relate?

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