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Reading Time: < 1 minute
Mississippian; Bottle; Ceramics-Containers; 11th–14th century; Ceramic; Metropolitan Museum of Art;

Dirt Bag

Reading Time: 5 minutesIn archaeologists, you will find an under-appreciated group of interesting dirtbags. I walked among them for a while, parading as one myself. In my first semester of

And then what happened?

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About Pretty Tacky

About Pretty Tacky

Hi, I'm Caitlan. Welcome to Pretty Tacky, my essay collection. Get ready to read about a DWI on a riding lawn mower and family on the Jerry Springer show. When I'm not writing about growing up a heathen hick, I write about immigrating to a tropical oven abroad and job hopping from archaeologist to teacher to translator to corporate copywriter. I can't commit 'cause I'd just rather be writing, baby. Can you relate?

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